Frequently Asked Questions

To request trucking quotes, please call our office at (530) 696-8555 and we would be happy help you fulfill your trucking needs

To apply to be a subhauler, please email subhaul@moretrucks.com. We can send you a copy of the application and a checklist with all required documentation. If you have any questions please call our office at (530)696-8555. Thank you!

Statements go out during the final week of each month. If you are curious about your account status or have any questions please call our office at (530) 696-8555.

To schedule deliveries please call (530) 696-8555 and select the truck type you would like to be routed to.

Ext 1: Quotes Ext 2: Double Bottoms Ext 3: Transfer and 10 Wheelers Ext 4: Super Dumps and End Dumps Ext 5: Billing